EDXL (Emergency Data eXchange Language)

EDXL (Emergency Data eXchange Language) is a broad initiative to create an integrated framework for a wide range of emergency data exchange standards to support operations, logistics, planning, and finance.

Related Terms:

EDXL-RM (Emergency Data Exchange Language – Resource Messaging)

An OASIS standard that describes a suite of standard messages for sharing data among information systems that coordinate requests for emergency equipment, supplies, and people.

Relevant NENA Documents
Note: To find and download the document, copy the document number (like NENA-STA-010) from below and search the NENA Standards and Documents page.

NENA-STA-010, NENA i3 Standard for Next Generation 9-1-1

NENA-STA-024, NENA Standard for the Conveyance of Emergency Incident Data Objects (EIDOs) between Next Generation (NG9-1-1) Systems and Applications

External References

OASIS website