SS7 (Signaling System No. 7)

From NENA Knowledge Base

SS7 (Signaling System No. 7) is an out-of-band signaling system used to provide basic routing information, call set-up and other call termination functions. Signaling is removed from the voice channel itself and put on a separate data network.

Also known as:

CCS7 (Common Channel Signaling No. 7)

Relevant NENA Documents
Note: To find and download the document, copy the document number (like STA-010) from below and search the NENA Standards and Documents page.

  • NENA-STA-010, NENA i3 Standard for Next Generation 9-1-1
  • NENA-INF-003, NENA Demarcation Points in NG9-1-1 Information Document