Working Group Response to Commenter's Rejection
Working Group Response to Comment Submitter's Rejection
If the comment submitter rejects the Working Group’s response by email, rejected responses will need to be reconsidered by the Working Group.
After reconsideration, a Working Group leader will notify the comment submitter of the Working Group's response.
Step 1 of 4. Open the comment and select the green Add a response or change state button. 1
Step 2 of 4. Update the Respond to Comment text box 2a :
- Enter the Working Group's response to the rejected comment, indicating that the comment was reconsidered by the Working Group.
- If the Working Group still chooses to reject the comment, the CRM should be contacted for guidance on adding an explanation to the comment as to why the comment remains rejected. Enter the explanation and the following paragraph regarding the NENA’s Appeals Process into the Respond to Comment text box:
The Working Group will note your objection unresolved and will make no further attempts to reach resolution. You have the right to appeal. The NENA Development Group Appeal Policy can be found in Section 3.7, Document Development Procedural Appeals, in the NENA Development Group Operational Procedures, NENA-ADM-001.5b-2022. Written request for an appeal shall be emailed to the NENA Committee Resource Manager (CRM), at [email protected], by <DATE>, which is 30 calendar days from this notice. An appeal must include the name of the document deliverable and specific issues, citing any previous attempt at resolution.
- Change State 2b to Issue Addressed only if the Working Group accepted the comment. Otherwise leave State 2b as Submitter Rejected Response.
- Update the Resolution 2c only if appropriate.
Step 3 of 4. Update the Notification Options 3 so that only Notify the Comment Submitter and Notify the Comment Owner (Resolver/Assignee) are checked. Uncheck all others.
Step 4 of 4. Select the blue Submit button 4 to send the response confirmation to the comment submitter.