LO (Location Object)

From NENA Knowledge Base
Revision as of 12:17, 14 July 2016 by MikeVislocky (talk | contribs)

In an emergency calling environment, the LO is used to refer to the current position of an endpoint that originates an emergency call. The LO is expected to be formatted as a Presence Information Data Format – Location Object (PIDF-LO) as defined by the IETF in RFC 4119, RFC 5139 and RFC 5491.
The LO may be:

  • Geodetic – shape, latitude(s), longitude(s), elevation, uncertainty, confidence and the datum which identifies the coordinate system used. NENA prescribes that geodetic location information will be formatted using the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) datum;
  • Civic location – a set of elements describing detailed street address information. For NG9-1-1 in the U.S., the civic LO must conform to NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) United States Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF) Standard (NENA-STA-004);
  • Or a combination thereof.