The Glossary category includes pages that define terms and acronyms that are unique to 9-1-1 and emergency services or have specialized usage in NENA documents.
Approved updates to NENA Knowledge Base Glossary last made: August 13, 2024
To see the history of a term and its definition, including its last update, click on View history on the top menu of the term’s Glossary page. A useful guide for interpreting the information on the history page can be found in this YouTube View History tab video.
For information on the NENA Knowledge Base Glossary, see NENA Knowledge Base Glossary on the Knowledge Base Main Page.
Pages in category "Glossary"
The following 609 pages are in this category, out of 609 total.
- A-GPS (Assisted-Global Positioning System)
- AACN (Advanced Automatic Collision Notification)
- Access Line
- Access Provider
- ACD (Automatic Call Distributor)
- ACL (Access Control List)
- Acoustic Coupler
- ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
- Additional Data
- Address Types
- Addressing Authority
- ADM (NENA Administrative Document)
- Administrative ESN (Emergency Service Number)
- ADR (Additional Data Repository)
- AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
- AFLT (Advanced Forward Link Trilateration)
- Agency
- Agency Identifier
- Agent
- AIP (Access Infrastructure Provider)
- ALE (Access Location Entity)
- ALI (Automatic Location Identification)
- ALRS (Agency Locator Record Store)
- Alternate Address Record
- Alternate Routing
- Altitude
- ANI (Automatic Number Identification)
- ANS (American National Standard)
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
- ANSI BSR (Board of Standards Review)
- Answering Position
- AOA (Angle of Arrival)
- APCO (Association of Public Safety Communications Officials)
- API (Application Programming Interface)
- AQS (ALI Query Service)
- Artifact
- ASL (American Sign Language)
- ASL Gloss (American Sign Language Gloss)
- ASN (Autonomous System Number)
- ASRR (Average Sector Radius Range)
- ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions)
- Authoring Working Group
- Authoritative
- Authorized Observer
- Average Busy Hour
- AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location)
- CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch)
- CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies)
- Call
- Call Back
- Call Handling
- Call Identifier
- Call Progress Signals
- Call Queuing
- Call Relay
- Call Routing
- Call Server
- Call Set-up Time
- Calling Party Hold
- CAMA (Centralized Automated Message Accounting)
- CAP (Common Alerting Protocol)
- Carrier
- CAS (Call/CallPath/Channel Associated Signaling)
- CDR (Call Detail Record)
- Cell Sector
- Cell Site
- Centrex
- Centroid
- CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)
- Certificate Authority
- CGL (Calling Geodetic Location)
- CHGN (Charge Number)
- CHS (Call Handling System)
- CID (Company Identifier)
- Cid (Content Identifier)
- CIF (Critical Issues Forum)
- Circuit-Switched Networks
- CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency)
- CISC (CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee)
- CISD (Critical Incident Stress Debriefing)
- CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management)
- CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Services)
- CLDXF-US (Civic Location Data Exchange Format - United States)
- Client ID
- CLLI (Common Language Location Identifier)
- CMRS (Commercial Mobile Radio Service)
- CO (Central Office)
- Code Point
- CODEC (Coder/DECoder or Compression/DECompression)
- Collaboration Functional Element
- COLT (Cell on Light Truck)
- Common Trunk Group
- Communications Assistant
- Confidence/Uncertainty
- Congestion Control
- Consensus Body
- COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan)
- CoS (Class of Service)
- COW (Cell On Wheels)
- CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)
- CRDB (Coordinate Routing Database)
- CRM (Committee Resource Manager)
- CRN (Contingency Routing Number)
- CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission)
- CSRIC (Communications Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council)
- CTI (Computer Telephone Integration)
- CTIA (Cellular Telephone Industry Association)
- CTX-IP (Centrex-based Internet Protocol)
- DAS (Distributed Antenna System)
- Data Domain
- DBMS (Data Base Management System)
- DBMSP (Data Base Management System Provider)
- DCE (Data Communications Equipment)
- Dedicated Trunk
- Default Routing
- Delegate Credential Authorities
- Demarcation Point
- Dereference
- DES (Data Encryption Standard)
- Development Committee
- Diffserv
- Direct and equal Access
- Direct Dispatch
- Discrepancies
- Dispatch System
- Diverse Routing
- DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)
- DNS (Domain Name System)
- DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions)
- DoS (Denial of Service)
- DR (Discrepancy Report)
- DSC (Development Steering Council)
- DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point)
- DSig (Digital Signature)
- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
- DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer)
- DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)
- DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security)
- DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency)
- E-OTD (Enhanced Observed Time Difference)
- E.164 number
- E2 Interface
- E9-1-1 (Enhanced 9-1-1)
- EAB (Education Advisory Board)
- ECC (Emergency Communications Center)
- ECRF (Emergency Call Routing Function)
- Ecrit (Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies)
- EDXL (Emergency Data eXchange Language)
- EENA (European Emergency Number Association)
- EIDO (Emergency Incident Data Object)
- EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
- Element Identifier
- Elevation
- ELIN (Emergency Location Identification Number)
- ELT (English Language Translation)
- EMS (Emergency Medical Service)
- ENP (Emergency Number Professional)
- ENS (Emergency Notification Systems)
- Enterprise Network
- Enumeration
- EOC (Emergency Operations Center)
- EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group)
- ERDB (Emergency Routing Database)
- ES (Emergency Service) Trunks
- ESCO (Emergency Service Central Office Number)
- ESGW (Emergency Services Gateway)
- ESIF (Emergency Services Interconnection Forum)
- ESInet (Emergency Services IP Network)
- ESME (Emergency Services Message Entity)
- ESN (Electronic Serial Number)
- ESN (Emergency Service Number)
- ESNE (Emergency Services Network Entity/Element)
- ESP (Emergency Service Protocol)
- ESQK (Emergency Services Query Key)
- ESRD (Emergency Services Routing Digit)
- ESRK (Emergency Services Routing Key)
- ESRN (Emergency Services Routing Number)
- ESRP (Emergency Service Routing Proxy)
- ESS (External Switching Systems)
- ESZ (Emergency Service Zone)
- ETNS (Emergency Telephone Notification Systems)
- ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
- EUMI (End User Move Indicator)
- EVRC (Enhanced Variable Rate Codec) Narrowband
- EVRC-WB (Enhanced Variable Rate Codec-Wideband)
- Exchange
- FAC (Facility) SS7 Message
- Failed Migrate Record
- Fast Busy
- FBCA (Federal Bridge Certification Authority)
- FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
- FCC PSAP registry (Federal Communications Commission Public Safety Answering Point registry)
- FCI (Feature Code Indicator)
- FE (Functional Element)
- Femtocell
- FGD (Feature Group D)
- FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee)
- FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards)
- First Responder
- FirstNet (First Responder Network Authority)
- FOC (Function of Change)
- Forced Disconnect
- Forest Guide
- FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
- FRA (Federal Railroad Administration)
- FRC (Field Responder Client)
- FTTP (Fiber to the Premise)
- G.711
- Gateway
- GCS (GeoCode Service)
- GDP (Generic Digits Parameter)
- Geocoding
- Geopriv (Geographic Location/Privacy)
- GeoRSS (Geodetic Really Simple Syndication)
- GeoShape Element
- Geospatial Call Routing
- GETS (Government Emergency Telecommunications Service)
- GIS (Geographic Information System)
- GML (Geography Markup Language)
- GMLC/MLC (Gateway Mobile Location Center)
- GNIS (Geographic Names Information System)
- GoS (Grade of Service)
- GPS (Global Positioning System)
- GRUU (Globally Routable User agent URI)
- GSM (Global Standard for Mobile Communications)
- H.264/MPEG-4
- HAE (Height Above Ellipsoid)
- Hard of Hearing
- HCO (Hearing Carry Over)
- Height
- HELD (HTTP Enabled Location Delivery)
- HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
- HMI (Human Machine Interface)
- Host
- HTRA (Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance)
- HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
- Human Trafficking
- I3
- IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
- IBCF (Interconnection Border Control Function)
- ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)
- ICE (Industry Collaboration Event)
- ICS (Incident Command System)
- IDX (Incident Data eXchange)
- IEPD (Information Exchange Package Document)
- IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
- IJIS (Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute)
- IM (Instant Messaging)
- IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
- IMR (Interactive Media Response)
- IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)
- IMSI (International Mobile Station Identity)
- IN (Intelligent Network)
- Incident
- Incident Tracking Identifier
- INCITS (International Committee for Information Technology Standards)
- INF (NENA Information Document)
- Inter-local Services Agreement
- Interoperability
- IoT (Internet of Things)
- IP (Internet Protocol)
- IP (Internet Protocol) Access Network
- IP Relay Service (Internet Protocol Relay Service)
- IPAWS (Integrated Public Alert Warning System)
- IPBX or IP PBX (Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange)
- IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)
- IPSec (Internet Protocol Security)
- IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4)
- IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)
- IRI (Incident-Related Imagery)
- IRIG (Inter-Range Instrumentation Group)
- IRR (Instant Recall Recorder)
- ISCM (Information Security Continuous Monitoring)
- ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
- ISF (Issue Submission & Charter Form)
- ISO (International Standards Organization)
- ISSI (Inter-RF Sub System Interface)
- ITRS (Internet Telecommunications Relay Service)
- ITS (Intelligent Transportation System)
- ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
- L2TP (Layer-2 Tunneling Protocol)
- LAN (Local Area Network)
- Landline
- LATA (Local Access and Transport Area)
- LDB (Location Database)
- LEC (Local Exchange Carrier)
- LEO (Law Enforcement Online)
- LERG (Local Exchange Routing Guide)
- LIF (Location Interwork Function)
- LIFELINE (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline)
- LIS (Location Information Server)
- LNG (Legacy Network Gateway)
- LO (Location Object)
- Location
- Location Acquisition
- Location By-Reference
- Location By-Value
- Location Conveyance
- Location Estimate
- Location Sanity Check Mechanism
- Location URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
- Location-aware
- Location-capable
- Location-incapable
- Location-unaware
- LogEvent
- Logging Recorder
- Logical Demarcation
- Login
- Loopback
- LoST (Location-to-Service Translation) Protocol
- Lost otherwise missing
- LPG (Legacy PSAP Gateway)
- LQF (Location Query Function)
- LRO (Last Routing Option)
- LSR (Local Service Request)
- LSRG (Legacy Selective Router Gateway)
- LSSGR (LATA Switching Systems Generic Requirements)
- LTE (Long Term Evolution)
- LVF (Location Validation Function)
- Macrocell
- Management Console
- Mass Calling Event
- Master Clock
- MCC (Mobile Competence Centre)
- MCS (MSAG Conversion Service)
- MDS (Mapping Data Service)
- MDT (Mobile Data Terminal)
- Method of Location Determination
- Method token
- Metrocell
- MF (Multi-Frequency)
- MGCP (Media Gateway Control Protocol)
- MIB (Management Information Base)
- Microcell
- MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
- MIS (Management Information System)
- MLP (Mobile Location Protocol)
- MLTS (Multi-Line Telephone System)
- MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
- MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
- MPC/GMLC (Mobile Positioning Center / Gateway Mobile Location Center)
- MPCAP (Mobile Positioning Capability)
- MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching)
- MSAG (Master Street Address Guide)
- MSC (Mobile Switching Center)
- MSID (Mobile Station Identity)
- MSRP (Message Session Relay Protocol)
- MTP (Message Transfer Part)
- Multimedia
- NAD 83 (North American Datum of 1983)
- NAK (Negative Acknowledgement)
- Namespace Name
- NANP (North American Numbering Plan)
- NAPT (Network Address and Port Translation)
- NAS (Network Access Server)
- NASNA (National Association of State 9-1-1 Administrators)
- National 911 Program
- NCAS (Non Call Associated Signaling)
- NCIC (National Crime Information Center)
- NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children®)
- NDG (NENA Development Group)
- NEAD (National Emergency Address Database)
- NECA (National Exchange Carrier Association)
- NENA (National Emergency Number Association)
- NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol)
- Network Location Determination
- Next Hop
- NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)
- NG-SEC (Next Generation 9-1-1 Security)
- NG9-1-1 (Next Generation 9-1-1)
- NG9-1-1 Call Processing
- NGCS (Next Generation 9-1-1 Core Services)
- NGUID (NENA Globally Unique ID)
- NHTRC (National Human Trafficking Resource Center)
- NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
- NIC (National Integration Center)
- NIEM (National Information Exchange Model)
- NIF (NG9-1-1 Specific Interwork Function)
- NIMS (National Incident Management System)
- NIOC (NG9-1-1 Interoperability Oversight Commission)
- NISO (National Information Standards Organization)
- NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
- NJTI (National Joint TERT Initiative)
- Notifier
- NPA (Numbering Plan Area)
- NPD (Numbering Plan Digit)
- NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking)
- NRF (No Record Found)
- NRS (NENA Registry System)
- NRSC (Network Reliability Steering Committee)
- NRTL (Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory)
- NSI (Non-Service Initialized)
- NTP (Network Time Protocol)
- NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board)
- Number Pooling
- Number Portability
- NWS (NENA Workspace)
- OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)
- OCIF (Outbound Call Interface Function)
- OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol)
- OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)
- OLI (Originating Line Identification parameter)
- OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) SpecWorks
- OPX (Off-Premises Extension)
- Originating Carrier
- Origination Network
- OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
- OSS (Operational Support Systems)
- OTT (over-the-top)
- Outgoing Alert Functional Element
- P25 (Project 25)
- PALI (Pseudo Automatic Location Identification)
- Parcel
- Parity
- Participant
- Participating Entity
- PASSporT (Personal Assertion Token)
- PBX (Private Branch Exchange)
- PCA (PSAP Credentialing Agency)
- PDE (Position Determining Entity)
- PHB (Per Hop Behaviors)
- Physical Demarcation
- Picocell
- PIDF (Presence Information Data Format)
- PIDF-LO (Presence Information Data Format - Location Object)
- PIF (Protocol Interworking Function)
- Pilot Number
- PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
- POI (Point of Interconnection)
- Point-in-Polygon selection
- Policy Store
- Position Source
- POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface)
- POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)
- PRC (Process Review Committee)
- Pre-programmed message
- Presence
- PRF (Policy-based Routing Function)
- Private 9-1-1 Emergency Answering Point
- Property
- Protected Service Occupation
- Proxy
- Proxy or Proxy Server/Policy and Routing Server
- PRR (Policy Routing Rules)
- PSALI (Private Switch ALI)
- PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point)
- PSBN (Public Safety Broadband Network)
- PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)
- PTSC (Packet Technologies and Services Committee)
- Push
- Rate Center
- RCL (Road Centerline)
- RDO (Root Discovery Operator)
- RDS (Responder Data Services)
- Recall Recorder
- REF (NENA Reference Publication)
- REQ (NENA Requirements Document)
- Response Agency
- REST (Representational State Transfer)
- Retrieval Key
- RF Fingerprinting (Radio Frequency Fingerprinting)
- RFC (Request for Comment)
- RFI (Request for Information)
- RFP (Request for Proposal)
- Ringback Tone
- RMS (Records Management System)
- RNA (Routing Number Authority)
- ROH (Receiver Off-Hook)
- Routing ESN (Emergency Service Number)
- RTCP (Real-time Transport Control Protocol)
- RTP (Real Time Protocol)
- RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)
- RTT (Real Time Text)
- SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)
- SAP (Service Activation Parameter)
- SAR (Suspicious Activity Report)
- SBC (Session Border Controller)
- SBP (Standards & Best Practices Conference)
- SBR (Skills-Based Routing)
- Scheme
- SCP (Service Control Point)
- SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
- SDO (Standards Development Organization)
- SDP (Session Description Protocol)
- Security Posture
- Selective Routing
- Service Boundary
- Service Environment
- Service Mapping
- Service Mobility
- Service Order
- Service Provider
- Service Registry
- Service Type
- Service URN (Uniform Resource Name)
- SFG (Simulated Facility Group)
- SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm)
- SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information Using toKENs)
- Shell Record
- SI (Spatial Interface)
- Signature Control
- Single Point of Failure
- SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
- SLA (Service Level Agreement)
- Small Cells
- SMS (Short Message Service)
- SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol)
- SOI (Service Order Input)
- SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
- Spatial Data
- Speech Disability
- SR (Selective Router)
- SRC (Session Recording Client)
- SRTP (Secure Real Time Protocol)
- SRV (Service)
- SS7 (Signaling System No. 7)
- SSH (Secure Shell)
- SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
- SSO (Single Sign-On)
- SSRC (Synchronization Source)
- ST (Start)
- STA (NENA Standards Document)
- Station Identification
- STIR (Secure Telephone Identity Revisited)
- STP (Start Prime)
- Stranded Unlock Record
- STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT)
- Substantive Change
- System
- T1
- TA (Technical Assistance)
- TAR (Taxing Area Rate) Code
- TDM (Time Division Multiplexing)
- Telecommunicator
- Telephone Number
- TERT (Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce)
- TIA-232-F
- Time Server
- TLS (Transport Layer Security)
- TOA (Time of Arrival)
- Transcoding
- Transfer
- Transfer Key
- Transport Facility
- TRS (Telecommunications Relay Service)
- Trunk
- TSP (Telephone Service Priority)
- TTY (Teletypewriter)
- TTY Protocol
- TTY-PASS (TTY Performance Assessment and Scoring System)
- TVW (Testing Validation Worksheet)
- TYS (Type of Service)
- VCO (Voice Carry Over)
- VDB (Validation Database)
- VEDS (Vehicle Emergency Data Sets)
- VEP (VoIP Endpoint)
- VESA (Valid Emergency Services Authority)
- VESA Certificate
- Video Interpreter
- VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
- VPC (VoIP Positioning Center)
- VPN (Virtual Private Network)
- VRI (Video Remote Interpreting)
- VRS (Video Relay Service)
- WAN (Wide Area Network)
- WAP (Wireless Access Point)
- Web service
- WFS (Web Feature Service)
- WG (Working Group)
- WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984)
- Wi-Fi ®
- WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)
- Wink
- Wireless Phase I & II
- WNC (Wireless Network Controller)
- WPS (Wireless Priority Service)
- WSDL (Web Service Description Language)