LPG (Legacy PSAP Gateway)

From NENA Knowledge Base

LPG (Legacy PSAP Gateway) is a signaling and media interconnection point between an ESInet and a legacy PSAP. It plays a role in the delivery of emergency calls that traverse an i3 ESInet to get to a legacy PSAP, as well as in the transfer and alternate routing of emergency calls between legacy PSAPs and NG9‑1‑1 PSAPs. The Legacy PSAP Gateway supports an IP (i.e., SIP) interface towards the ESInet on one side, and a traditional MF or Enhanced MF interface (comparable to the interface between a traditional Selective Router and a legacy PSAP) on the other.

Relevant NENA Documents
Note: To find and download the document, copy the document number (like STA-010) from below and search the NENA Standards and Documents page.

NENA-INF-003, NENA Potential Points of Demarcation in NG9-1-1 Networks Information Document