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From NENA Knowledge Base
Revision as of 17:46, 7 March 2019 by MikeVislocky (talk | contribs) (Updated hyperlink)
NENA Knowledge Base

A NENA Development Group Resource

For more information about NENA (National Emergency Number Association), please see NENA's home page:

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You must be a NENA Knowledge Base Editor and member of the Development Group Administrative Committee References Working Group to edit the content of NENA Knowledge Base pages. To join the NENA References Working Group, click here.

What's in here?

NENA Knowledge Base is a resource for readers of NENA publications and for the members of the NENA Development Group committees that prepare them. It includes terms, acronyms and definitions used in the 9-1-1 community.

NENA Master Glossary and Articles with Terms, Acronyms, and their Definitions

To find the definition or article for a term or acronym, type it in the search box (above, right) and press Enter.
To show all pages where the search term is used, click on the "containing..." option.

File:Search containing.png

What kinds of terms, abbreviations, and acronyms are included in this glossary?

The NENA Knowledge Base glossary is not intended to provide definitions for common terms, acronyms, or abbreviations. Generally, common terms that are more extensively defined or described in other references (like Wikipedia) should not be included in the glossary unless they include hyperlinks to NENA documents where they are used or discussed in a 9-1-1 context not likely to be mentioned in other public references. For the convenience of the reader, some common terms that have been in the glossary for some time may remain in the glossary but if better definitions are available elsewhere, links to those definitions should be provided. The NENA Knowledge Base glossary is primarily intended to provide definitions for terms that are uniquely used in the 9-1-1 community, especially those used in published NENA documents.

The terms, acronyms, or abbreviations included in the glossary should have at least one of these characteristics:

  • They have a definition or usage unique to the 9-1-1 community.
  • They have several possible meanings but are expected to be used in a consistent way in NENA publications.
  • They may have a common, popular definition, but are used consistently with a unique or specific meaning in NENA publications.
  • They have an important use in a published NENA document, and the glossary provides hyperlinks to the document where the term is discussed.

Terms, acronyms, and abbreviations that should NOT be included in the Master Glossary include those with these characteristics:

  • They are only expected to be used in one document.
  • They do not have a definition or usage unique to the 9-1-1 community.
  • Other public references provide good definitions.

NENA Workspace Member Guide includes instructions for using the resources of the NENA Workspace.

Guide for Working Group Chairs includes information and resources to assist working group chairs to manage their groups according to NENA's policies.


NENA Knowledge Base has been developed and maintained by the National Emergency Emergency Number Association (NENA) Development Steering Council (DSC).
The glossary definitions and articles are provided by the members of the working groups that prepare NENA's published material.

NENA Private Developer Site (NENApds)

A private site is available for the exclusive use of NDG Members. If you are registered here, and if you are a member of an NDG Committee and Working Group, you may create an account on NDGpds by clicking on this link: NENApds Just clicking on the link should create an account there that an administrator can use to register you as an NDGUser. You may also manually create an account by using the "Create account" at the top of the NENApds page.