NENA Administration Guide
Technical Issues Director and the 9-1-1 & PSAP Operations Director
The Technical Issues Director and 9-1-1 & PSAP Operations Director act as liaisons between the DSC and other NENA staff and professional organizations such as the FCC, ATIS, CTIA, ESIF, IETF, NASNA , and the National 911 Office. Other responsibilities of these directors include:
- In the event neither DSC chair is able to convene a meeting, NENA Technical Issues Director or the 9-1-1 & PSAP Operations Director may convene or chair a meeting of the DSC.
- Assist the DSC in identifying and responding to 9-1-1 system operational needs and the associated technical development work necessary to meet those needs.
- Ensure that the DSC is aware of other NENA work that may impact or be reliant on work going on within the Development Group.
- The preparation and/or selection of documents concerning 9-1-1 which will appear in Association publications.
- Represent the Association at meetings, hearings, or other proceedings that impact 9-1-1, as requested by the NENA CEO, and interact with NENA’s attorneys in developing positions to be taken by the Association on pertinent matters.
- Assist in establishing the NENA Standards & Best Practices Conference (SBP), the DSC Meeting agenda, Critical Issues Forums (CIFs), and in developing educational sessions and recruiting speakers for the Annual Conference.
- Respond to questions from the NENA membership.
- Attend meetings of other standards bodies (e.g. ESIF, IETF, NASNA, etc.), as required.
- Assist, as needed, in the ongoing processes of a Committee(s) and work with the Committee Co-Chairs
- Perform other duties as assigned.
- Making motions, speaking in debate, and, if serving as Technical Issues Director or 9-1-1 & PSAP Operations Director, cast one vote each on matters that come before the Development Steering Council.
Committee Resource Manager
The Committee Resource Manager may be a NENA staff or contractor position. The CRM role provides administrative support to the DSC volunteer leadership and to the Process Review Committee (PRC). This support includes;
- Document development and approval process management, which includes ensuring that the administrative document development processes are adhered to in accordance with the ANSI Essential Requirements.
- Meeting calendar coordination.
- Internal and external Issue tracking.
- Coordinating conference/meeting requirements.
- Providing document formatting assistance.
- Update NENA Registry System.
- Assisting with general NENA notifications.
- Monitoring document retention timelines.
- Assisting with updates to the NENA Master Glossary.
- NENA Development Group collaboration website, administration & training.
- Updates committee & standards webpages on NENA’s public website.
- Monthly reports for DSC, NENA Staff & NENA Board of Directors.
- The CRM is also expected to attend pertinent events, such as, but not limited to, Joint Committee Meetings (JCM), Annual Conference, NENA Standards & Best Practices Conference (SBP), and other such events. Perform other duties as assigned.
DSC Co-Chair Responsibilities
The DSC Co-Chairs’ responsibilities include;
- All administrative aspects of DSC activities.
- Ensure that Committee/Working Group leaders have the requisite skills to perform their responsibilities. Implement training that includes basic instruction in project management, meeting facilitation, parliamentary procedures, consensus-building and instruction in the NENA document development and approval process.
- Annual appointment of the Co-Chairs of the Development Committees.
- Remediation of any otherwise deadlocked decision points, for any matters properly brought before the DSC for resolution.
- Serving as the primary point of contact for the NENA CEO, Staff, and Board, and ensuring that all parties are kept up to date with any matters that may require their attention.
- Keeping the Development Committee Co-Chairs informed about any matters that may require their attention, particularly those that may flow from the CEO, Staff, or Board.
- Scheduling and conducting regular DSC conference calls and meetings to address all matters properly brought before the DSC for resolution, and to foster inter-Committee communication (typically weekly, but subject to the needs of the business, as decided by the DSC Co-Chairs).
- In the event neither DSC chair is able to convene a meeting, the following individuals, in this order, may convene or chair a meeting of the DSC:
- The NENA Technical Issues Director or the 9-1-1 & PSAP Operations Director
- Any individual designated under special circumstances by the NENA CEO to do so
- Ensuring the timely distribution of minutes from all meetings under their control.
- Serving as the DSC primary point of contact for handling questions that may arrive from the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) process, or other sources.
- Serving as the primary point of contact for handling internal Liaisons, and ensuring that new Issues are addressed in a timely manner.
- The DSC Co-Chairs will meet at least quarterly with NENA CEO. The mode of the meeting may be in-person, web conference, etc., as determined by the CEO.
- Timely review of ANSI “Standards Actions” (i.e., PINS, Final Actions, etc.), to ensure NENA remains aware of activity underway in other 9-1-1 related SDOs.
Development Committee Co-Chair Responsibilities (Standing and Special Purpose, Limited Duration)
The Development Committee Co-Chairs will be responsible for appointing Working Group (WG) Co-Chairs, and other subject matter experts as appropriate for problem-solving teams, with approval of the DSC Co-Chairs.
Each Development Committee Co-Chair is expected to attend DSC meetings and calls and vote as a member of the DSC on matters that come before it or must provide notice to the DSC Co-Chairs and their Co-Chair. If a Development Committee Co-Chair will not be able attend a DSC meeting, they SHOULD appoint a qualified delegate in advance as their substitute. At least one Co-Chair or substitute SHALL attend DSC meetings and calls.
The Development Committee Co-Chairs preside over their respective Committee and shall coordinate their team efforts to include:
- Ensuring that the document development process is not dominated by any individual or organization. If an interested party expresses a concern in writing that the process is dominated or influenced to the exclusion of fair and equitable consideration of other viewpoints, such concern shall be addressed in accordance with Section XXX Appeals.
- Keeping the Committee members informed about DSC discussion and activities.
- Ensuring that procedures are followed and meetings are conducted in a fair and efficient manner.
- Creation of Working Groups as needed to focus on emerging issues affecting public safety technology and operations.
- Providing WG Co-Chairs direction regarding the NENA processes.
- Providing WG Co-Chairs tools for the job (e.g., Conference Bridge, web resources, etc.).
Assuring that published NENA documents are reviewed in accordance with the Document Development and Approval Process.
- Resolving WG conflicts or problems brought to their attention by the WG Co-Chairs.
- Participate in and manage the Issue Submission Form & Charter process as described in this document, as well as the NENA Development Group Guide.
- Periodically soliciting updates from WG Co-Chairs and, if necessary, convening conference calls to discuss the activities of each WG.
- Evaluating and assigning Issues to the appropriate Working Group for resolution.
- Working closely with other standards-setting bodies and related organizations, as required.
- Responding to questions from the DSC.
- Providing leadership for and assisting in the establishment of the NENA Standards & Best Practices Conference (SBP), Critical Issues Forums (CIFs), and in developing educational sessions and recruiting speakers for the NENA Annual Conference, etc.
- Submitting Committee Scopes & Goals status reports on a monthly basis. (NENA-ADM-006) XXX
- Ensuring that the content of the Committee’s presence on the website is maintained and updated as needed.
- Upon direction from the DSC Co-Chairs, provide answers to questions received on in support of the FAQ feature.
Working Group Co-Chair Responsibilities
Working Group Co-Chairs are appointed by the Development Committee Co-Chairs and approved by the DSC Co-Chairs. These Co-Chairs should be well versed in the subject matter and shall have facilitation skills and demonstrable project management skills. Co-Chairs SHALL determine the voting designation for entities with Working Group Co-Chairs preside over their Working Group, and shall coordinate their team efforts to include:
- Assigning Note Takers and Document Editors and ensuring that they are available for scheduled calls and meetings.
- Asking the members of a Participating Entity to identify which individual will be the primary voting representative and which individual will be the alternate voting representative.
- Ensuring that procedures are followed and meetings are conducted in a fair and efficient manner.
- Understanding and following the NENA Document Development and Approval process.
- Utilizing the conference bridge, web, and other resources as provided, to collaborate with team members in the development of documents and resolution of Issues assigned by the Development Committee Co-Chairs.
- Reviewing NENA documents to ensure they are still applicable, in accordance with the Document Development and Approval Processes documented herein.
- Directing any conflicts/problems to the Development Committee Co-Chairs for resolution.
- Fulfilling the minimum requirements and direction for any Chartered task that could result in an Information, Requirement, or Standard Document as established by the Development Committee Co-Chairs.
- Providing periodic updates to their Development Committee Co-Chairs and, if necessary, discusses the activities of their WG in conference calls with their Development Committee leads, or with the DSC.
- Participating in all Development Committee leadership calls and activities, and participating in DSC calls when necessary.
- Working closely with other standards-setting bodies and related organizations as required.
- Responding to questions from the DSC.
- Providing leadership for and assisting in establishing the NENA Standards & Best Practices Conference (SBP), Critical Issues Forums (CIFs), and in developing educational sessions and recruiting speakers for the NENA Annual Conference.
- Submitting Working Group Scopes & Goals status reports on a monthly basis (NENA-ADM-006). XXX
- Upon direction from the Development Committee Co-Chairs, provide answers to questions received on or the NENA Knowledge Base in support of published reference material.
Submitting an Issue
A NENA Issue Submission & Charter Form (ISF) (NENA-ADM-003)[8] must be completed in order for any proposed work to be considered by the Development Steering Council (DSC) for possible assignment to a Development Committee, and for all Issues generated by Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups that are clearly within their designated scope as described below.
New Issues may be submitted by any individual with a direct and material interest in the Issue, including NENA Members, or Participants of any NENA Working Groups, either on their behalf or on behalf of the Working Grooup. In addition, Issues may be generated as a result of an incoming liaison or equivalent form of communication submitted to NENA from an outside source, typically a Standards Development Organization (SDO) or other Entity (for example, organization, company, government agency, or the output from a non-NDG NENA entity such as an Industry Collaboration Event (ICE)).
The following steps shall be followed when submitting an Issue. For details refer to NENA Development Group Guide.
- Originator completes ISF
- DSC Leadership review and logging
- NENA Development Group 10-day review & comment
- DSC acceptance or rejection of ISF
- DSC Suggests Scopes, Timelines, Deliverables and Assigns
- Issue Submission & Charter Form (ISF)
- DSC approves Charter
- CRM posts ISF & Charter
NENA External Outgoing Liaison (NENA-ADM-005)
Liaisons are used by the DSC, Committees, Subcommittees, and Working Groups as a means of relaying a NENA position on a particular subject, or to request specific information from or action by an outside entity (e.g. APCO, ESIF, IETF) (External).
NOTE: Internally, between NDG Committees/entities emails may be exchanged via NENA Workspace to solicit or share information that doesn’t require formal actions on the part of the NDG Committee/entity being contacted. If actions will be required, the originating NDG Committee/entity must use NENA-ADM-003.[8]
The following steps shall be followed when handling an outgoing External Liaison:
1. The need to generate an outgoing Liaison is presented to the DSC by the originator, using a NENA External Liaison Form (NENA-ADM-005)[10] . The originator may be a Development Committee Co-Chair or Working Group Co-Chair, or the DSC Co-Chairs or NENA Staff. Liaisons that require expedited handling should be brought to the attention of the DSC
Co-Chairs when submitted.
2. All External Liaisons shall be published for 10 business day NDG review and comment.
3. DSC Co-Chairs consult with all Development Committee Co-Chairs, if applicable. If the DSC Co-Chairs agree the Liaison needs to be sent, they will submit the completed form to the Committee Resource Manager (CRM) to have it logged into the Liaison Tracking process. If it is a response to a previous incoming Liaison, the original form may be used to track the response (in the resolution section of the form).
4. CRM completes the form as needed, and places it in 30 business day follow-up, at which time the CRM will check with the DSC Co-Chairs and the designated Staff member for a status inquiry.
5. External Liaisons are generally sent by the designated NENA Staff member.
6. When a response to the outgoing Liaison is received it is logged by the CRM, and returned to the originator.
7. If further communication is needed between NENA and the external party, the original form may continue to be used (updated as necessary), or a new Liaison form may be created for such follow-up.