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NENA NG9-1-1 Go-To Handbook: Difference between revisions

NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 Data Management Requirements - (NENA-REQ-002)
(→‎Acquisition: Detailed Functional and Interface Specification for the NENA i3 Solution – Stage 3 (NENA-STA-010))
(NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 Data Management Requirements - (NENA-REQ-002))
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A Go-Live Checklist should be developed to be used to determine if all procedures, system capabilities, fallback or failover considerations, and interoperating systems are ready for cutover to live operations on the NG9-1-1 system. Among possible items for such a high-level checklist are the following:
* Has compliance been achieved with all statutes or regulations that allow a state, regional, or local 9-1-1 authority to deploy, operate, or manage software- and database controlled NG9-1-1 systems?
* Does the 9-1-1 Authority have sufficient jurisdiction to implement NG9‑1‑1 emergency service IP networks to replace dedicated 9-1-1 systems that are shared among multiple emergency response entities?
* Are existing liability protection statutes or regulations in place to cover all services and information that may be delivered over NG9-1-1 systems and shared among emergency response entities (e.g., voice, sensors, images and other data, video, medical records, and any new, not yet developed, product or service)?
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* Are all system maintenance and Service Level Agreements in place to allow the NG9-1-1 network and system to be managed and operated operate in a secure 24/7/365 fashion?
* Have all Policy Routing Rules and Call Diversion strategies been established and agreed to with surrounding jurisdictions?
* Has a rollback plan been developed that would be implemented if the Go-Live is not successful? For instance, if a situation at the PSAP requires a physical evacuation to the organization’s backup facility, the secondary location must can begin live operations relatively quickly and not be susceptible to service interruptions.
* Has all system and end-user training been completed to ensure the user community and<br />
maintenance staff are prepared to operate and support the system?
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* Has consideration and planning for denial of service attacks, telephony denial of service attacks and other cybersecurity protections been completed and thoroughly tested?
* Are the necessary call and system performance metrics for NG9-1-1 identified and able to be captured within reporting and systems and management monitors to allow the 9-1-1 Authority to measure system performance and to monitor key performance thresholds?
* Is there a detailed Transition Go-Live Plan (including tasks delineated in hourly increments with specific individuals assigned to tasks for Go-Live Day) in place with all system and network partners? A well-coordinated and well-documented cutover plan is needed to systematically and efficiently make the cutover from the legacy 9-1-1 system and legacy Service Provider to taking calls with the new SSPSystem Service Provider within the NG9-1-1 system.
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== Management and Maintenance ==
As an ongoing element of the project, both the provider and public stakeholder will have a role in continual management and maintenance of the NG9-1-1 system and its components. Maintenance becomes an active part of the”the Statement”Statement of Documentation” process and will remain an active role throughout the life of the network and system.
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[http://www.nena.org/resource/resmgr/ngpp/ng911_transition_policy_hand.pdf Next Generation 9-1-1 Transition Policy Implementation Handbook (March 2010)]<ref name=":5" />: NG9-1-1 Transition Policy Issue Number: One; NG9-1-1 Transition Policy Issue Number: Two
[https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.nena.org/resource/collection/22dbdb9d-fbd7-445e-a760-1c39a222ed34/NASNA_Model_State_9-1-1_Plan.pdf?hhSearchTerms=%225+and+NASNA+and+Model+and+State+and+Plan%22 NASNA Model State 9-1-1 Plan]<ref name=":4" />: Appendix A
[https://www.nena.org/?page=NGOptnsReqs NENA NG9-1-1 System and PSAP Operational Features and Capabilities Requirements NENA 57-750v1]<ref name=":13" />: Sections 3.1; 5; and 7
[https://www.nena.org/?page=MutualAidStandard NENA Mutual Aid Standard/Model Recommendation - NENA-STA-009.2-2015 (originally NENA 53-002)]<ref>[https://www.nena.org/?page=MutualAidStandard NENA Mutual Aid Standard/Model Recommendation - NENA-STA-009 (originally NENA 53-002)]. This document is provided as an Operational Standard/Model Recommendation for the development of Mutual Aid Agreements (MAA) or Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) between Public Safety Communications Agencies. This document is a Model Recommendation and should be modified to meet the unique requirements of individual States and Municipalities. It provides the essential elements of a Mutual Aid Agreement. All elements should be detailed to the extent required for the agencies involved and should be reviewed by legal counsel prior to establishing such an agreement.</ref>: Section 3.12
[http://www.nena.org/page/NGDataMgmt NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 Data Management Requirements - (NENA-REQ-002.1-2016)]<ref>[http://www.nena.org/page/NGDataMgmt NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 Data Management Requirements - (NENA-REQ-002)] This document defines discrepancy report and the performance reports associated with processes within the Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) system. The intent of the document is to provide 9-1-1 Authorities, vendors, Communication Service Providers (CSP), and other interested parties with guidelines for communicating issues or status of various elements within the system. The components of the document are Discrepancy Report Requirements and Performance Statistic Report Requirements.</ref>: Section 3
== Other References under Development ==
The following documents are under development within NENA and nearing completion and will prove very useful to those looking for guidance and insight to prepare for NG9-1-1. Links to the documents are not yet available.
NENA Managing and Monitoring NG9-1-1 ''(Under development – link not available yet)'' (NENA-INF-040): Entire Document.
<u>NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 Fundamentals.</u> ''(Under development – link not available yet''). The intent of the Guide to NG9-1-1 is to make the NG specs understandable for the 9-1-1 authorities and PSAP managers.
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A comprehensive list of references is found below. The reader should be aware of an annual effort undertaken by the National 911 Program to prepare a document, “[https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOTNHTSA911/bulletins/198231b The Next Generation 911 (NG911) Standards Identification and Review]”<ref>[https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOTNHTSA911/bulletins/198231b The Next Generation 911 (NG911) Standards Identification and Review]. This document provides 911 leaders easy access to a robust list of standards that support informed decisions for an effective and efficient transition to NG911. The report includes a &quot;what's new&quot; section that identifies standards added or updated in a year. In addition to identifying hundreds of NG911-related standards, it also provides insights on the different types of standards, information about how they are developed and accredited, and a description of why NG911 standards are necessary. The report also addresses categories where additional standard development is needed, including access and origination networks, call signaling, call routing, call logging, and geographic information systems (GIS) and other call attribute data.</ref> document. The Next Generation 911 (NG911) Standards Identification and Review document is a compilation of existing and planned standards for NG9-1-1 systems distributed by the National 911 Program, a department of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the US Department of Transportation. The mission of the National 911 program is to provide federal leadership and coordination in supporting and promoting optimal 9-1-1 services.
The NG911 Standards Identification and Review document is updated annually to reflect the latest status in NG911NG9-1-1 and related standards. It is a living document that contains information on various standards activities related to NG911NG9-1-1. The document includes a description of the importance of Product, Interface, Data, Design, Test, Performance, and Operational standards, and provides information on the best practices, stakeholders, and standards organizations. The document highlights NG9-1-1/ESInet standards but not lower level standards such as SIP and VoIP.
The core of the document includes references to standards documents from the various organizations including 3GPP, APCO, ATIS, DOC, FCC, ISAO, NENA, and USTelecom. All of the relevant standards committees are also listed. The appendix to the document contains a table with all NG9-1-1 standards documents listed with information on their relevance to the NENA i3 Architecture. The standards documents are categorized based upon whether they relate to Client, Access Networks, Origination Networks, NG9-1-1/ESInets, or PSAPs.
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