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NENA NG9-1-1 Go-To Handbook: Difference between revisions

→‎Governance: Update to match changes in source docx from comments received in review.
(→‎Self-education: Update to match changes in source docx from comments received in review.)
(→‎Governance: Update to match changes in source docx from comments received in review.)
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[https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/4010 The USDoT 911Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) System Initiative Procurement Tool kitKit]<ref name=":2">[https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/4010 The USDoT 911 Initiative Procurement Tool kit] - The NG9-1-1 Initiative has researched and analyzed the transition issues along with the strategic elements and options that could be followed to further the progress and implementation of NG9-1-1. The intent of this Transition Plan is to frame the view of NG9-1-1 deployment issues held by stakeholders and provide options for addressing key issues with the goal of making implementation a reality.</ref>: Section 2.3 Policy and Governance
[https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/4014 The USDoT 911 Initiative Transition Plan Document]<ref name=":3">[https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/4014 The USDoT 911 Initiative Transition Plan Document] – This Procurement Tool Kit seeks to help improve communications among the various individuals, groups, and companies interested in NG9-1-1. The Procurement Tool Kit has four parts, and while mostly independent of one another, each is designed to support an iterative process, building on the previous part. The document offers tools to assist with assessment, planning, procurement, and evaluation of success. Briefly, the document includes the following sections:
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Post-Implementation Evaluation Tool - Upon completion of a procurement or NG9-1-1 implementation, we urge stakeholders to review their efforts, identify lessons learned, and share that valuable information with others across the 9-1-1 community.</ref>: Strategic Options for NG9-1-1 Governance and Policy section.
[https://www.nena.org/page/InterAgencyAgreemnts NENA Inter-Agency Agreements Model Recommendations - (NENA-INF-012)]<ref>[https://www.nena.org/page/InterAgencyAgreemnts NENA Inter-Agency Agreements Model Recommendations] - NENA-INF-012. This document is provided as a Model Recommendation for the development of Mutual Aid Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) between Public Safety Answering Points and affiliated or support organizations. The documents discussed and attached should be modified to meet the unique requirements of individual States and Municipalities. The purpose of the NENA Inter-Agency Agreements Model Recommendations is to provide rationale and guidance for the development, promulgation and implementation of agreements between public safety communications and affiliated agencies to share information as needed to provide the highest level of service to the citizens.</ref> :Entire document.
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